Social Distancing at Nature’s Art Village: What you need to know!
Masks still required for the unvaccinated & anyone on T-Rex Tower

Updated: 8-23-2021
To our valued guests,
We are open! Below, we have listed which attractions at our Village are available. *Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present; we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit.*
Open Now:
· The Dinosaur Place
· Monty’s Munchies
· T-Rex Tower (weather dependent)
· The Shops
· Discovery Depot (Saturday & Sunday Only)
· The Past Antiques Marketplace
· Copper Creek Mini Golf
· Splash Pad (weather dependent)
Unable to open (until further notice):
· Genius Museum
· The Cobalt Café
We have been working diligently around the park to help provide you with a fun and enjoyable experience while also ensuring the safety and peace of mind you deserve. Listed here are some of the guidelines and restrictions still in place for Nature’s Art Village:
The Dinosaur Place:
- You must bring your own personal protective equipment (PPE equipment), including but not limited to masks, gloves, etc.
- T-Rex Tower will have a 30-minute time limit per child with a maximum of 15 children at a time (MASKS & SOCKS STILL REQUIRED).
- Guests must try to remain 6 feet apart
- Please do not move any of the tables or chairs. They are spaced apart according to state social distancing protocol.
- Foot coverings are always required on the Splash Pad
The Shops at Nature’s Art Village:
- Maintain 6’ social distancing at all times.
The Past Antiques Marketplace:
- Maintain 6’ social distancing at all times.
Copper Creek Mini Golf:
- Every other hole must be empty (For example, your group can start Hole #1 after the group before you has started Hole #3).
- Maintain 6’ social distancing at all times.
- Clubs and balls will be cleaned and sanitized after each use.